“Our children should be indoctrinated in the principles of the Gospel from their earliest childhood. They should be made familiar with the contents of the Bible, the Book of Mormon and the Book of Doctrine and Covenants. These should be their chief text books, and everything should be done to establish and promote in their hearts genuine faith in God, in His Gospel and its ordinances, and in His works.”
-Wilford Woodruff, emphasis added (source)
It is a mistake to use paraphrases of the text; the fine roll of Bible English appeals to children with a compelling music, and they will probably retain through life their first conception of the Bible scenes, and, also, the very words in which these scenes are portrayed. This is a great possession.”
-Charlotte Mason, 1:249
If the scriptures are to be our chief text books, then we should expect to reach for them at a variety of points in our day, from the first day of kindergarten to graduation and beyond, and we should reach for the actual scriptures far more often than we reach for manuals, however good they may be. David O. McKay taught, “Character is the aim of true education,” and there is no better way to encourage a godly character than to regularly spend time reading, studying, and memorizing scriptures both ancient and modern. Miss Mason had a number of recommendations for how to use the Bible, and most of these can also be applied to modern scriptures as well.
Scripture Reading Rotations
How to use narrative episodes from the scriptures (from Penny Gardner):
- Narrative Portions of the Book of Mormon (4762 downloads )
- Narrative portions of the Old Testament
- Narrative portions of the New Testament
Memory Work and Recitation
Articles of Faith
Doctrinal Mastery & Scripture Mastery
Parables (Miss Mason’s method, list of parables, and other resources)
Passages about the Atonement of Christ
Passages for Baptism
Passages for Aaronic Priesthood Holders
Passages for Young Women: Coming Soon.
Resources by Volume
Book of Mormon
Church History
Additional Resources
Baby Steps Blog: 64 Scriptures for LDS Children to Memorize
Simply Charlotte Mason: Scripture Memory System
Your Morning Basket #2: Furnishing the Mind: A Conversation on Recitation with Andrew Pudewa

A Charlotte Mason Approach to Learning Languages: Moving Beyond the Textbook {part 2}
This post is part of a series. Part One: Listen, Listen, Listen Part Two: What To Read {this post} Part Three: A Web of Language Part Four: Ears Before Eyes Not only to satisfy the necessities of travelers in far countries has the study of language ever been desirable, but to penetrate the spirit […]

The Story of Christ for Younger Children (ages 0-5)
We’ve had a lot of success using The Story of Christ in our home this year. I have a 4.5 year old and a baby. Charlotte Mason (CM) has a lot to say about how to conduct Bible (or scripture) study in our homes, but some of this doesn’t apply to children under six years old. […]

Trial and Triumph by Richard Hannula – Does it belong in an LDS Charlotte Mason curriculum?
Many Charlotte Mason homeschoolers use the resources available at AmblesideOnline. This curriculum was created by a group of wonderful, faithful Christian women and they have offered it free of charge to everyone. The curriculum is designed from a Protestant worldview and the recommended books reflect that. Trial and Triumph by Richard Hannula is a book about […]