Charlotte Mason taught that students should be exposed to great art from a young age. “There must be knowledge … not the technical knowledge of how to produce, but some reverent knowledge of what has been produced that is, children should learn pictures line by line, group by group, by reading not books (about art) but the pictures themselves.” (A Philosophy of Education, p. 214) She used a method called picture study to help students learn to truly see a picture. She also instructed her students how to express themselves by making their own art. Students used a variety of media including clay, charcoal, paint, and pen/pencil.
Blog Posts

Free Winter Sketching Course
Artist Jan Blencowe is offering a free course called Winter Sketching with Pen and Pencil. It has over an hour of video tutorials that teach you how to sketch bare branches, pine branches, holly, and oranges and cranberries. You can register for the course here. While I am still waiting for the snow to fall […]

50 Years of LDS Art
The following is an excerpt from a post on the Zion Art Society website. This [month] is the 50th anniversary of the address “A Gospel Vision of the Arts.” Given in 1967 by Spencer W. Kimball, then a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, it has become both loved and loathed by […]