It’s spring in the Northern Hemisphere, and many people are starting to venture outside more often. Miss Mason’s book are full of suggestions of what sorts of activities outside would be beneficial. If you’re just starting out with Nature Study, feel free to keep it simple. But if you want a few ideas for digging […]
Category: How to

Nature Study For Beginners
Because so many of us grew up largely apart from nature, and certainly without any consistent exposure to or instruction as to what we’re seeing in nature, the idea of studying nature can be terribly intimidating.
It does not need to be.

Narration is a Small and Simple Thing
Near the end of his life, Alma sat down with his son Helaman and gave him some final instructions. As he entrusted his son with the sacred records, Alma explained that the job was pretty straightforward: the Brass Plates and other Nephite records needed to stay bright. Well-cared for brass is shiny; I’ve got a […]

A Charlotte Mason Approach to Learning Languages: Moving Beyond the Textbook {part 4}
This post is part of a series. Part One: Listen, Listen, Listen Part Two: What To Read Part Three: A Web of Language Part Four: {this post} Gouin talked about the importance of making our first and primary instruction in the foreign language we have chosen aural instruction: the ear, he said, is the […]

A Charlotte Mason Approach to Learning Languages: Moving Beyond the Textbook {part 3}
This post is part of a series. Part One: Listen, Listen, Listen Part Two: What To Read Part Three {this post} Part Four: Ears Before Eyes Alongside the material railway needed to enable our bodies to communicate, it is absolutely necessary to construct a “mental railway” for the intercourse of minds. This mental […]

The Story of Christ for Younger Children (ages 0-5)
We’ve had a lot of success using The Story of Christ in our home this year. I have a 4.5 year old and a baby. Charlotte Mason (CM) has a lot to say about how to conduct Bible (or scripture) study in our homes, but some of this doesn’t apply to children under six years old. […]

Some Latter-day Thoughts About Lent and Easter
I live in Utah. We don’t hear much about Lent around here. I had to google why people put ashes on their foreheads when I first saw it on a TV show. Since joining the homeschool community, I’ve started to hear much more about it thanks to those I interact with online and in my […]