This post is part of a series. Part One: Listen, Listen, Listen Part Two: What To Read {this post} Part Three: A Web of Language Part Four: Ears Before Eyes Not only to satisfy the necessities of travelers in far countries has the study of language ever been desirable, but to penetrate the spirit […]
Category: Bible

The Story of Christ for Younger Children (ages 0-5)
We’ve had a lot of success using The Story of Christ in our home this year. I have a 4.5 year old and a baby. Charlotte Mason (CM) has a lot to say about how to conduct Bible (or scripture) study in our homes, but some of this doesn’t apply to children under six years old. […]

Teaching Christ’s Parables: Real Life Examples
Miss Mason recommends teaching children parables. We collected several of her quotes about how and why to teach parables, as well as a list of parables to choose from, but it’s so often helpful to see what it looks like in a real family, with real children! Our first {very cute} example shows how […]