We’ve had a lot of success using The Story of Christ in our home this year. I have a 4.5 year old and a baby. Charlotte Mason (CM) has a lot to say about how to conduct Bible (or scripture) study in our homes, but some of this doesn’t apply to children under six years old. […]
Author: Jessi Vandagriff

Some Latter-day Thoughts About Lent and Easter
I live in Utah. We don’t hear much about Lent around here. I had to google why people put ashes on their foreheads when I first saw it on a TV show. Since joining the homeschool community, I’ve started to hear much more about it thanks to those I interact with online and in my […]

Learning Hymns on the Piano—A Piano Teacher’s Perspective
Learning to play the hymns is one of the main goals for many LDS pianists-in-training (or their parents, at least). As a piano teacher for over 15 years, I have learned a thing or two about how students can learn the hymns with the least amount of frustration. Your children’s piano teacher may have their […]
Living Books for the Easter Season
Books about Christ The Tale of Three Trees: A Traditional Folktale by Angela Elwell Hunt (Author), Tim Jonke (Illustrator) This is Jesus, Bible text with illustrations by J. Kirk Richards Books about Easter Traditions (Non-religious) The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes by DuBose Heyward (Author), Marjorie Flack (Illustrator) The Egg Tree by Katherine […]

Charlotte Mason vs. Thomas Jefferson Education
“The home is the cradle of virtue, the place where character is formed and habits are established.” {President Gordon B. Hinkley} My Homeschooling Background I’ve been homeschooling since 1998, and for most of our homeschooling years (11 of those years, to be exact), I tried to follow the ideas found in the book A Thomas […]

Trial and Triumph by Richard Hannula – Does it belong in an LDS Charlotte Mason curriculum?
Many Charlotte Mason homeschoolers use the resources available at AmblesideOnline. This curriculum was created by a group of wonderful, faithful Christian women and they have offered it free of charge to everyone. The curriculum is designed from a Protestant worldview and the recommended books reflect that. Trial and Triumph by Richard Hannula is a book about […]

Tea Time for Mormons
Poetry tea time is an activity that gets a lot of social media attention in Charlotte Mason circles. It comes in bursts, with flurries of posts during the coldest, dreariest months. Tea time is not an essential part of a Charlotte Mason education, but for some families, it does provide a nice way to focus […]